Get Safe Abortion At Srujan Maternity & Nursing Home, Pune

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Srujan Maternity & Nursing Home, Pune offers medical termination of pregnancy for women who are facing unintended pregnancy or have medical indications for termination. Srujan Maternity & Nursing Home is a Government recognized center for abortions up to 20 weeks. Dr. Manisha Risbud will ensure that all of your questions and concerns are addressed in a compassionate and non-judgmental manner. Schedule a consultation today.

## What is Medical Termination Of Pregnancy?

Medical termination of pregnancy (MTP) is a procedure carried out to terminate unwanted pregnancy using medications. It is also called Medical Abortion. MTPs are more commonly carried out in most parts of the world as it is safer than the more invasive operative procedures like drainage and curettage or vacuum aspiration. If you or someone you know needs to get this procedure done, you can contact our very experienced gynecologist Dr. Manisha Risbud of Srujan Maternity & Nursing Home, Pune, to learn more about medical/surgical termination of pregnancy.

## When is Medical Termination Of Pregnancy Needed? There are several reasons to undergo medical termination of pregnancy, and it requires the consent of the adult patient or an adult accompanying in case of minors. MTPs are done in the case of:

  • Unwanted pregnancies
  • Accidental pregnancies due to contraceptive failure
  • A life-threatening pregnancy

Dr. Manisha Risbud wants you to understand that it can be a sensitive process for some patients, and it is always better to have a specialist doctor, like a gynecologist, who can answer your queries and manage any complications.

## Consultation for Medical Termination Of Pregnancy at Srujan Maternity & Nursing Home, Pune

As with any medical procedure, there can be risks that can develop while doing a medical termination of pregnancy. It is always advisable to seek medical consultation and help to undergo medical procedures like an MTP. At Srujan Maternity & Nursing Home, Pune, Dr. Manisha Risbud can be your guide every step of the way. Srujan Maternity & Nursing Home is a Government recognized center for abortions up to 20 weeks and has highly trained obstetricians & gynecologists.

Your consultation will include a complete physical examination, a urine pregnancy test to confirm pregnancy, a blood test to confirm pregnancy if the urine test is not straightforward, complete medical history including anemia, sexually transmitted diseases, details of your last menstrual cycle, and that of contraceptives used if any. In addition, a pelvis ultrasound will be done to be sure about any risks involved (ectopic pregnancy or molar pregnancy) and to know the exact gestational age of the fetus.

It is better to convey to Dr. Manisha Risbud your reasons for undergoing this procedure as it will help the doctor help you better.

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## Medical Abortion Procedure At Srujan Maternity & Nursing Home, Pune

Dr. Manisha Risbud states that medications like Mifepristone and Misoprostol are used for pregnancies between 6-9 weeks. It is non-surgical; therefore, it can be started immediately by taking medicine at the doctor’s clinic or home, just as prescribed by Dr. Manisha .

  • Mifepristone: It blocks the activity of progesterone and results in thinning of the uterine wall, which in turn causes problems with embryo implantation and growth.

  • Misoprostol: It causes the uterus to contract and expel the contents, causing termination. As a rule, the 1st pill is taken at the doctor’s clinic. You can then take the Misoprostol at home as prescribed by Dr. Manisha Risbud .

  • Oral Mifepristone + vaginal/buccal/lingual Misoprostol: The Mifepristone is taken orally with water, and a slow-dissolving pill of Misoprostol is inserted vaginally and kept sublingually or orally. This procedure is done to increase the efficacy of Misoprostol. It should be carried out within nine weeks of gestation, calculated from the 1st day of the last menstrual cycle.

  • Vaginal Misoprostol + Methotrexate: This combination is generally used for Ectopic pregnancies and is usually not done for normal pregnancies. Methotrexate is given by a shot or Orally. It is advisable to do this method within seven weeks from the 1st day of the last menstrual cycle.

Usually, a painkiller and antibiotic are also prescribed to manage pain and infection risks associated with medical procedures.

## Recovery after the Medical Termination Of Pregnancy Recovery may take 1-4 weeks and is usually uneventful. You may experience vaginal bleeding depending on how many weeks pregnant you are. Though bed rest may not be essential, it is best to keep physical exercises and tasks to a minimum. It is crucial to eat well and have a good state of mind. Make sure to have ample sanitary pads and keep them handy when outside. Dr. Manisha Risbud advises you to keep following up after the medical termination of pregnancy to evaluate your health and chances of developing risks. You and Dr. Manisha need to be sure you’re recovering well, the bleeding is tapering and is controlled, there are no signs of infections, and your uterine size is back to normal.

There are chances of developing complications like:

  • Foul-smelling vaginal discharge
  • Uncontrolled bleeding
  • Severe stomach pain
  • Fever that lasts for more than 24-48 hours
  • Excess tiredness and sweating

In case of this, you should immediately contact the doctor.

In case of doubts about the procedure, you may need to repeat the ultrasound to ensure the complete termination of pregnancy. Dr. Manisha Risbud also recommends that an ultrasound be done two weeks after taking the medication to be sure the procedure has worked well.

On the whole, an MTP would be done for whatever reason. Still, it is physically, emotionally, and mentally draining on a woman. If you feel too overwhelmed with these feelings, it is better to convey them to the doctor or a counselor.

Risks of Medical Termination Of Pregnancy

Dr. Manisha Risbud explains that, as with any medical procedure, an MTP carries risks that the patient should understand well:

  • Incomplete termination of pregnancy: this may require drainage & curettage (surgical intervention)
  • Sustained pregnancy: the procedure might not work, and the pregnancy may continue as it is or with fetal abnormalities
  • Prolonged, heavy bleeding
  • Infections
  • Fever
  • Discomfort in the stomach or nausea

Medical termination of pregnancy should always be done under the guidance of an experienced doctor. All medications should be taken as prescribed. It would help if you kept up with the doctor regarding your health status. For further queries, you can contact our expert gynecologist, Dr. Manisha Risbud , at Srujan Maternity & Nursing Home, Pune.

## What is the cost of Medical Termination Of Pregnancy in Pune? The cost for medical termination of pregnancy at Srujan Maternity & Nursing Home, Pune varies depending on the stage of pregnancy and individual insurance coverage. Our team will work with you to find a solution that meets your needs and financial situation.

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## Undergo Safe Medical Termination Of Pregnancy At Srujan Maternity & Nursing Home, Pune

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