Safe Cesarean (C-Section) Delivery at Srujan Maternity & Nursing Home, Pune

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Childbirth is a joyous occasion for parents, and ensuring the process is comfortable and safe for both mother and baby should be of utmost importance. At Srujan Maternity & Nursing Home in Pune, we offer specialized care during the prenatal period and delivery through Cesarean section (C-section). Read on to learn more about what to expect during a C-section, the advantages and potential drawbacks of this procedure and how Srujan Maternity & Nursing Home help ensure you have a safe positive experience.

## What is Cesarean Delivery? Cesarean delivery, also known as a C-section, is a surgical procedure used to deliver a baby. It involves making an incision in the woman’s abdomen and uterus to allow the baby to be delivered directly from the uterus rather than through the birth canal. C-sections are performed for both medical and nonmedical reasons and can be planned or done in an emergency.

## Why C-section Delivery Is Done

C-section delivery is often performed if:

  • There is a cephalopelvic disproportion, meaning the mother’s pelvis is smaller than the baby’s head.
  • There are multiple gestations in the womb.
  • Placenta previa occurs, which means the placenta sits too low in the uterus and blocks the cervix.
  • Abnormal positioning, such as transverse lie or breech presentation, make vaginal delivery difficult.
  • An obstruction, like a polyp, obstructs safe passage of the baby through the birth canal.
  • A previous C-section increases your chances of repeat C-section.
  • Chronic health issues such as genital herpes, HIV, or any other infection are present.
  • Umbilical cord compression occurs.
  • There is fetal distress, signified by an abnormal heart rate or activity level of the baby.

## How to Prepare for C-Section Delivery

1. Talk to your doctor: Before you are scheduled for a C-section, talk to your doctor about the procedure and any questions you may have. Make sure to discuss the potential risks associated with C-section delivery and what type of anesthesia will be used during the surgery.

2. Arrange for help: Having someone to help you before, during, and after your C-section is essential. This could be a family member or friend who can stay with you while in the hospital as well as provide assistance once you are home.

3. Pack a bag: Packing ahead of time will make your trip to the hospital easier. Include essentials such as a change of clothes, toiletries, and any medication you may need. Make sure to also include items for your baby – like diapers, onesies, and blankets.

4. Eat a light meal: Eating a light meal before your C-section helps ensure that you don’t get sick or faint during the procedure. Avoid eating anything heavy or greasy as it can make you feel nauseous.

5. Get some rest: Try to get plenty of rest before your scheduled C-section delivery. This will help ensure that you are well-rested and in good health when the time comes for your procedure.

6. Follow the instructions: Make sure to follow all instructions given by your doctor. This includes taking any medications prescribed and avoiding drinking or eating anything after a certain time before your surgery.

7. Sign consent forms Fill out the required consent forms before your C-section procedure. This will ensure that all necessary details have been taken care of prior to the delivery.

## C-Section Delivery Procedure At Srujan Maternity & Nursing Home, our team of experts provides safe and comfortable cesarean delivery procedures. Our surgeons are thoroughly experienced in cesarean delivery and will closely monitor both mother and baby during the procedure.

At Srujan Maternity & Nursing Home, your doctor will brief you about the C-section procedure as follows:

  1. You will be plugged into the heart and fetal heart monitors.
  2. An IV is inserted to transfer medications and fluids.
  3. The area of the incision is cleaned and shaved.
  4. Spinal anesthesia or general anesthesia is administered
  5. An oxygen mask is placed to increase oxygen to the mother and baby.
  6. A sterile drape is placed over the abdomen and legs.
  7. Doctors will raise a partition between the patient’s head and abdomen.
  8. A catheter is used to keep the bladder empty.
  9. Incisions are made from the abdomen below the navel until the uterus.
  10. The baby is delivered as fast as possible to minimize risk to the mother or child.
  11. The umbilical cord is cut.
  12. Placenta is removed.
  13. The incision is closed with stitches/staples.
  14. If the mother is awake, she can hold the baby once it is delivered.

## Care After a C-Section Delivery

  • After the delivery, the mother and the baby are usually monitored for 3-5 days at the hospital.
  • Stitches will dissolve on their own, but staples will be removed at the hospital.
  • The abdomen will feel sore for several weeks.
  • Take prescription medications to prevent infection and pain.
  • The mother should focus on healing and avoid heavy or strenuous activities.
  • Rely on partner and family or hired help for chores.

## Benefits of C-Section Delivery

  • A cesarean section is the safest option for delivering a baby when a vaginal delivery is impossible.
  • Due to anesthesia administration, it is sometimes referred to as an almost painless delivery method.
  • In cases of emergency surgery due to last-minute complications, C-sections have proved to be a boon in delivering healthy children.

## Risks of C-Section Delivery C-section delivery, like any other major surgery, can involve risks such as

  • Infections
  • Hemorrhage (excess loss of blood or bleeding for hours)
  • Bowel or bladder injury
  • A cut that weakens the uterine wall
  • Complications for future pregnancies
  • Fetal injury
  • Anesthesia-related complications

Other common problems with a cesarean can be:

  • Recovery is more complicated than with a vaginal birth.
  • It is found to be related to chronic pelvic pain.
  • It sets the tone for having a C-section in future pregnancies.
  • The child may have breastfeeding difficulties.
  • It is also found to be associated with breathing difficulties in the newborn.

All potential risks mentioned above will be discussed with you during the consultation.

## Ensure a Safe Cesarean (C-Section) Delivery at Srujan Maternity & Nursing Home, Pune.

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