Comprehensive Couple Evaluation for Infertility at Srujan Maternity & Nursing Home, Pune

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Infertility affects many couples who are attempting to conceive and can be an emotionally devastating experience. For those who struggle with infertility, the journey to having a baby is often difficult, isolating, and confusing. In order to identify the cause of infertility, it is essential for couples to undergo an evaluation process that includes both physical examinations and laboratory tests.

## Understanding Infertility

Infertility, by definition, is a condition where a couple is unable to conceive or maintain a pregnancy. It may be the result of many different issues ranging from hormonal imbalances in either partner to structural anomalies in the reproductive system that prevent conception or successful implantation. However, in approximately one-third of cases, infertility cannot be clearly attributed to any specific cause.

There are a number of factors that may contribute to infertility for both men and women. Common issues for women include ovulation disorders, blocked fallopian tubes, uterine fibroids, endometriosis, and pelvic organ prolapse. In men, common fertility challenges can be attributed to low sperm count or quality, testicular injury or disease, and varicocele. Additionally, lifestyle factors such as smoking, alcohol consumption, obesity, and environmental exposures can also contribute to infertility.

## Types of Infertility

Primary infertility refers to couples who have been attempting to conceive for at least one year without success.

Secondary infertility occurs when a couple has had one or more successful pregnancies, but is unable to conceive again.

Unexplained infertility is used to describe cases where no underlying cause can be determined after an extensive evaluation process.

## The Couple Evaluation Process

The couple evaluation process is used to diagnose and identify the cause of infertility in a couple. It involves physical examinations, imaging tests, semen analysis, genetic testing and other laboratory tests. The purpose of this evaluation is to determine any underlying medical conditions or lifestyle factors that may be contributing to the couple’s infertility. This can help the doctor create an effective treatment plan to help the couple conceive.

## Medical History During couple evaluation, Dr. Manisha Risbud will ask questions about the patient’s medical history and any preexisting fertility issues. This is to identify any underlying causes that may be contributing to infertility.

Male Partner’s Medical History

The male partner’s medical history should be evaluated to confirm any lifestyle factors or medical conditions that may be contributing to infertility. This includes testing for sexually transmitted diseases, checking hormone levels, and performing a semen analysis to evaluate the quality and amount of sperm produced.

Female Partner’s Medical History

The female partner will undergo tests to evaluate her reproductive system. This includes hormone tests, ultrasounds, genetic tests, and any necessary evaluation for fertility.

## Physical Examination

Male Physical Examination

The male partner will undergo a physical examination to check for any signs of fertility issues, including low sperm count or quality that can be related to environmental factors such as smoking and drinking.

Female Physical Examination

The female partner will also undergo a physical examination to identify any potential issues with the reproductive system that could be causing infertility. This includes performing a pelvic exam, looking for any irregularities, and taking note of any signs of infection or inflammation.

## Diagnostic Tests for Couples Evaluation Fertility

Diagnostic tests are used to identify any underlying causes of infertility in the couple.

Hormone Testing

This test helps to evaluate the levels of hormones in both partners, which can help to determine if there are any imbalances that may be contributing to infertility.

Luteinizing Hormone (LH) Test: This test helps to measure the amount of LH in a person’s blood. It can help detect if there are any imbalances that may be affecting fertility.

Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) Test: This test is used to measure the amount of FSH in a person’s blood. It can detect if there are any imbalances that may be affecting fertility.

Testosterone Test: This test helps to measure the amount of testosterone in a person’s blood. It can help identify if there are any imbalances that may be contributing to infertility.

Semen Analysis

This test evaluates the quality and amount of sperm being produced by the male partner. The results can help to identify any underlying issues with sperm production or motility.

Ultrasound Scans/HSG

Ultrasound scans are used to evaluate the female partner’s reproductive system and identify any abnormalities or blockages. HSG is a special type of X-ray that can detect any structure in the uterus or fallopian tubes.

Genetic Tests

Genetic tests are used to evaluate any underlying genetic causes of infertility in couples. This includes testing for chromosomal abnormalities or conditions such as cystic fibrosis that may be causing fertility problems.

Post-Coital Test

A post-coital test is used to evaluate the quality of cervical mucus present after intercourse. This test can help identify if there are any abnormalities that may be preventing sperm from reaching the egg.

Ultrasound Imaging

Ultrasound imaging is a safe and non-invasive way to evaluate the reproductive system. It can help identify any abnormalities or blockages that may be causing fertility issues.


Laparoscopy is a surgical procedure to help identify any underlying issues such as endometriosis or fibroids that may be affecting fertility.


Hysteroscopy is a procedure used to view and diagnose issues with the uterus. It can help identify abnormalities such as fibroids or scarring that may be impacting fertility.

## Results and Next Steps Once the evaluation is complete, the results will be discussed with the couple. Dr. Manisha Risbud can explain any abnormalities that were found and provide an overview of potential treatment options. Depending on the cause of infertility, these may include assisted reproductive technologies (ART), fertility medications, or lifestyle modifications such as changes in diet and exercise habits. In some cases, surgery may also be recommended. After considering all the available options, the couple can then make an informed decision about which treatment plan is best for them.

Srujan Maternity & Nursing Home is fully committed to helping couples in their fertility journey. We understand the importance of a complete diagnosis and accurate evaluation and offer comprehensive couple evaluations that can help identify any underlying causes of infertility. Our team is dedicated to providing personalized care and support through every step of the process.

Fertility testing can help couples identify any underlying causes of infertility and provide insight into potential treatments that could lead to a successful pregnancy. With the right evaluation and treatment plan, many couples can achieve their dream of having a family.

## Begin Your Fertility Journey At Srujan Maternity & Nursing Home, Pune

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